Hardware Development Boards

ARM Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget MicrocontrollerARM Family
EFM32 Zero Gecko Starter KitSilicon Labs EFM32ZGCortex-M0+
FRDM-K64FNXP Kinetis MK64FN1M0VLL12Cortex-M4
FRDM-KL25ZNXP Kinetis MKL25Z128VLK4Cortex-M0
WR-K60D100MNXP Kinetis MK60DN512VMD10Cortex-M4
WR-K60F120MNXP Kinetis MK60FN1M0VMD12Cortex-M4
ATSAM4S Xplained ProMicrochip SAM4SD32Cortex-M4
STM3240G-EvalST STM32F407IGH6Cortex-M4
STM3241G-EvalST STM32F417IGH6Cortex-M4
STM32F4-DiscoveryST STM32F407VGT6Cortex-M4
STM3210E-EvalST STM32F103ZCortex-M3
LPCxpresso-LPC1115NXP LPC1115Cortex-M0
NXP LPCxpresso-LPC1768/1769NXP LPC1769Cortex-M3
Olimex LPC-P2103NXP LPC2103ARM7
Olimex LPC-P2106NXP LPC2106ARM7
Embedded Artists LPC2468-OEMNXP LPC2468ARM7
Olimex LPC-E2468NXP LPC2468ARM7
Olimex CS-E9302Cirrus EP9302ARM9
NuMicro-SDKNuvoton NUC140Cortex-M0
Embedded ARM LinuxVarious (BeagleBone; Raspberry Pi; Technologic)ARM32 ISA

SwiftX supports the SEGGER J-Link for debug and flash programming of ARM devices. The embedded J-Link binaries can be installed in place of many on-board debuggers.

ColdFire Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget Microcontroller
Axiom CML-5282MCF5282
Axiom CMM-52259MCF52259
NXP M5272C3MCF5272
NXP M52233DEMOMCF52233
NXP M52235EVBMCF52235

ColdFire evaluation boards that do not come with an embedded (or included) P&E debug interface will require the P&E USB Multilink Universal (or FX).

MSP430 Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget Microcontroller
LaunchPad MSP-EXP430G2MSP430G2xx
LaunchPad MSP-EXP430F5529LPMSP430F5529
MSP-FET430U6464-pin parts
MSP-FET430U8080-pin parts
MSP-FET430U2820- and 28-pin parts

AVR Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget Microcontroller
Arduino UnoATmega328P
Kanda STK200ATmega32 (and many more)
Kanda STK300ATmega128L
Atmel STK500 (not recommended)ATmega32 (and many more)

AVR parts require a suitable ISP in-circuit programmer, such as the ATATMEL-ICE-BASIC. Any ISP programmer that works with the AVRDUDE programming utility (included with SwiftX) can be used. The tiny USB cable that comes with the Kanda USB-STK200 and USB-STK300 kits has a proprietary interface and is not used with SwiftX.

68HCS08 Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget Microcontroller
Axiom CMS-8GB60M9S08GB60

The DEMOQE128 board has a built-in USB Multilink BDM interface, used by SwiftX for programming and debug.

68K Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget Microcontroller
Axiom CMM-332MC68332A
New Micros NMIX-0332MC68332ACFC20 (A-mask)
New Micros NMIX-0332-GMC68332GCFC20 (G-Mask)
Vesta Technology SBC2000-332MC68332GCFC25 (G-Mask)

SwiftX-68K is supported for legacy systems and applications. It is not recommended for new designs.

68HC12 Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget Microcontroller
Axiom CME-12A4MC68HC812A4
Axiom CMD-12A4MC68HC812A4
Axiom CME-12B32MC68HC912B32
Axiom CME-12D60MC68HC912D60
Axiom CMD-912D60MC68HC912D60A
Axiom CMD-912DG128MC68HC912DG128A
Axiom CMD-912DP256MC68HC9S12DP256

68HC11 Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget Microcontroller
Axiom CMM-11E1MC68HC11E1
Axiom CME-11E9EVBUMC68HC11E9

SwiftX-68HC11 is supported for legacy systems and applications. It is not recommended for new designs.

8051 Evaluation Boards

Eval KitTarget Microcontroller
Silicon Labs C8051F020DKC8051F020
Silicon Labs C8051F320DKC8051F320
Silicon Labs C8051F340DKC8051F340
Silicon Labs C8051F930DKC8051F930