Forth Tech Support Options

Paid and non-paid Forth tech support options are outlined below. Contact us to tailor a support package to your project.

A. Product Support

Receive engineer-level tech support by email, plus…

  • duration: One year from date of purchase included with new SwiftX or SwiftForth license
  • renewal: Annual support subscription ($199/year for SwiftX, $129/year for SwiftForth)
  • updates: Software updates issued during your product-support period are free

Also note: We sometimes provide Forth tech support for products other than our own. Please inquire if you need support for third-party Forth systems or Forth applications.

SwiftX Subscription Renewal

SwiftForth Subscription Renewal

B. Forth Tech Support for Projects and Non-Covered Products

Our software engineers and developers can help your project over a hurdle. Or, if you want, they can shepherd it from design to prototype to production.

We even offer support for many products from other companies, including Forth dialects and systems. Contact us to discuss how we can help you get the best, most economical results.

C. Community Support

The online Forth community is often generous with guidance, insight, and opinion. You may find some of its people…

This newsgroup is a central focus for Forth online. It attracts a steady constituency both of Forth experts — notoriously liberal with both advice and opinions — and of those seeking solutions to specific problems or simply scaling the learning curve. Subject to variations in browsers and system configurations (some e-mail clients serve as newsreaders), news:comp.lang.forth provides access to this Forth newsgroup; Macintosh developers may also find comp.lang.forth.mac useful.